Oct 16, 2008

Fast, faster and fastest

When I started blogging less than a month ago, I also set up SEO measurement table. Among other parameters I started to write down each day following parameters:

GBL - Google backlinks
YBL - Yahoo backlinks
MBL - MSN/Live backlinks

About a week nothing happened. Then, on the eight day Yahoo indexed first backlink and some pages. Day later MSN found backlink. At last, 19 days after setting up this site, Google indexed first backlink. During that time, Yahoo and MSN had indexed already 200+ and 400+ backlinks.

This test shows once again, that Google is extreamly picky about backlinks. Mostly my URL is in social networks, blog profiles etc. Practically no fixed anchor-text links on proper pages. Google is picky, 3 weeks later I have only 6 backlinks by Google, more than 50 times less than from other search sites.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear your interpretation of these backlink/inbound link numbers generated by Google, Yahoo, and MSN. I saw your comment on DilipShaw.com on this, which prompted me to seek out your site.

For instance, Google showed 102,000 in-bound links to cnn.com, whereas Yahoo showed 12,644,629. It would seem that Google excludes links generated from within the site itself. Is that accurate to assume? And if that is the case, should we only use Google’s numbers for a real representation of truly external inbound links?


Anonymous said...

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AMIT said...

Hi can u pls tell me how to set backlinks to google?Pls if possible add me on ym so that i can take help from you on this or pls mail me how to set back links.I will be thankful to you.

ym id and mail id - ranat_amit@yahoo.co.in