Sep 28, 2008

Best Link Popularity tools

Here is the list of link popularity tools, I found most convinient to use. Its quite elaborate to run between 3 search engines, type in "link:" queries and count the results. Instead, You can use 1 service what automates queries from different pages. 

My requirement is, that it should give popularity for Google, Yahoo and optionally MSN/Live.

My 2 top Picks:

+ precise results 
+ some history records
- poor benchmarking capabilities

+ 3 website benchmarking
+ history
- dont believe MBL, its just MIP (indexed pages, not backlinks)

The rest:

As I mentioned before, different tools give different results. Over the time You have to use results from one tool to get meaningful data trends. As You see fron the table, GBL data has very low standard deviation, opposite to YBL and MBL. Read, how to get correct YBL measure...

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